Bridal list or show, which is best for you?
There are definite advantages to participating in a bridal show.
Especially if you can secure the position as the MC, music & entertainment service, for the show. That is the best way to do a bridal show. Your talents are superbly showcased to your target audience.
However, that highly coveted position can only go to one company per show. You can save yourself the expense of a booth, staffing, staging, decorating, and the commitment of a 1-2 day weekend, as most shows are on Saturday and\or Sunday, simply by purchasing a bridal list and skipping the show altogether.
Consider the expenses of participating in a show. Then calculate the number of events you might book at the show, plus the number of events you might book after the show with the list they provide.
Next do the math. You may decide that an Email, Mail, Text and Phone campaign, which you should do after a show anyway, by itself may be a better way. And you do not have to wait for the show, lists are always available.
Ask Nina Gray of List Service Direct about her Brides to be list, which I have used successfully many times. This is a great list of Brides getting married in your area, by zip code, or other key demographics.
Lists include name, address, wedding date and sometimes phone number and \ or email address. Call Nina today she can answer all of your questions 800.371.5487.
More ideas for bridal lists and shows coming soon.
Questions? Call 623.738.6526, or reply anytime.